A Day in the Life of…

The following videos bring together some of the experiences of current Directors of Children’s Services. Their aim is to give you a better understanding of what it is like to be a DCS. 

Have you got what it takes?

The role of a Director of Children’s Services is complex and has many different aspects to it. As a DCS, you will face a wide range of challenges and issues every day.

How about now seeing if you have got what it takes to be a DCS?

Complete this short survey to give you a feel for the kinds of decisions, challenges and scenarios you might face in the role of a DCS every day. This is just for fun and should take you about 10 minutes. It is not part of the application process. It is purely designed to give you more insight into what you can expect of the role.

Are you ready to see if you have what it takes? Click the link below to complete the survey. You will be presented with eight fictional but typical scenarios that a DCS could face. For each scenario click on the response that you feel is the most appropriate or what you would do in that situation. These scenarios are simplified and lack the nuances or context you would have in the role, so please don’t over-think them, just go with what you think would be the better option.  When you get to the end you will receive some feedback on your responses.